今天去官方網站下載了VCenter update 4 回來升級
安裝Performace Plugin
- Copy the VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 4 build to the VirtualCenter Server system. Example: Copy CD contents to the VirtualCenter's local disk.
Note: If the contents of the folders vpx\perfCharts (iso) or bin\perfCharts (ZIP) are not copied to the local drive of the VirtualCenter Server, an Access Denied error appears when the install.bat command is run later in the installation process. - If you are upgrading to VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 4, stop the VMware Infrastructure Web Access service before upgrading the VirtualCenter.
- Install or upgrade to VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 4 and start the VMware Infrastructure Web Access service.
- Download Java SE Development Kit 6u11, and install JDK 1.6.
- Configure the environment variables:
- Right-click My Computer and click Properties.
- In the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
- In the System variable list, select Path and click Edit.
- In Variable value, append C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\
If an older version of JRE is present, run the following command in the command window:
set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\bin\;%path%
Note: The above command is an example. It replaces your current path. If your path already has links, you have to append to the list. -
In the System variable list, select JAVA_HOME and click Edit.
If JAVA_HOME does not exist, click New and in the Variable name, enter JAVA_HOME. -
In Variable value, enter C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11
Log out and log back in to the VirtualCenter Server.
To install the Performance Overview plug-in:
- In the command window of VirtualCenter Server system, go to the vpx/perfCharts folder, the location where the Performance Overview plug-in is available.
If you are using the ZIP file, go to the bin\perfCharts folder. 注意vpx/perfCharts 為你下載UPDATE 4 解壓縮的目錄 - Run install.bat <VirtualCenter_Username> <VirtualCenter_Password>
If you are using VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 4 with SQL Express bundled database and the TCP/IP protocol for SQL Express is not enabled, the Performance Overview tab in the VirtualCenter Server might not display performance charts and instead display a message similar to:
STATs Report service internal error Message: STATs Report application initialization is not completed successfully.
Ensure that the TCP/IP protocol for SQL Express database is enabled and restart the database services.
To ensure the TCP/IP protocol for SQL Express database is enabled and restart the database services:
- In the VirtualCenter Server machine, choose Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- In SQL Server Configuration Manager, do the following:
- Expand SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration, and select Protocols for SQLEXP_VIM.
- Double click TCP/IP.
- In the TCP/IP properties window, select Yes for Enabled and Yes for Listen All.
- Click OK.
- In a command window, type Services.msc to open Service Manager.
- Stop the VirtualCenter Server service as outlined in Stopping, starting, or restarting the VirtualCenter Server service (1003895).
- In the Services list, start or restart the following services:
- SQL Browser (if SQL Browser service is disabled, mark it for automatic/manual start)
- VMware Infrastructure Web Access